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Information Systems and Instructional Technology

The image of the public school library has changed significantly in recent years. The library is no longer merely a depository for books, but has become the learning center of the school. This change is a result of an explosion of knowledge, a progress in learning technology, an emphasis on independent study, a reformulation of what is taught and learned, and a drive for excellence and quality in the nation's schools. The role of the library as a media center and as the pulse of the instructional program has caused and expansion in the services and a revolution in the function of the facility. Click the picture to go to SISD libraries online.

News and Resources
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The mission of the Seguin ISD Library Media Center Program is to ensure that students and staff become responsible and successful users of information; that students become lifetime readers; and that school library media specialists become a part of the instructional team which designs, implements and evaluates instruction.

The mission will be accomplished by achieving the following goals:

  • Redefining the role of the Library Media Center program and the library media specialists in view of the current research regarding the correlation between academic achievement and successful library media programs; national standards for school libraries; and in view of the technology initiatives in Seguin ISD
  • Communicating, through modeling and providing literature-rich environments, that reading--whether for information or personal satisfaction--is a critical life skill
  • Planning in collaboration with other instructional staff to provide a wide variety of curriculum-based activities designed to teach information problem-solving skills
  • Promoting the concept that information skills are part of the core basic skills required by today's students to be successful in tomorrow's workplace
  • Providing intellectual and physical access to a variety of technologies and information resources
  • Building Library Media Center collections and information resources that provide for diversity and reflect the needs of the multicultural population of the Seguin community
  • Providing vanguard information management for administration, faculty, staff, and students, eliminating barriers to information access